Thursday, April 12, 2012

The most romantic 5 days of her life so far?????

Hi. My girlfriend and I are going to Prague for 4 days in January where I intent to propose to her!! I have already booked what seems to be an amazing hotel but I want this to be the most spectacular, memorable and romantic 5 days of her life. I want it to be completely different from any trip she%26#39;s been on before. If any of you have had any amazing, but different from the norm, experiences in Prague then i%26#39;d love to hear about them. ie. places to eat, places to dance and places and experiences to just amaze her. I want to treat her like a princess for 5 days. Also if there are any particularly romantic spots to propose, i%26#39;d love to hear about them too. Thank you all so much in advance!


January is a bit cold to be too romantic in Prague for many, unless there is lots of snow on the ground. wouldn%26#39;t you be better off in the mountains, or somewhere warmer, like Rome or Paris?


I want to treat her like a princess !!

Fair play to you bud.... The romance is gone in this world....

Im sure she will say yes.. No matter where ye are...

And if she says NO then at least you tried...


And he says it all whilst showing his backside, yep romance is dead, and should be buried.

I looked at this and was tempted to reply take to Wenceslas Square or Karlovo Namesti its just what you%26#39;re looking for, but I don%26#39;t really mean it.

Right being helpful. We%26#39;ve done this topic time and again, search for propose/ proposal etc in search box you%26#39;ll pull lots up, with me being previously romantic and previously helpful.

Seriously anywhere in Prague she won%26#39;t say no.


Is that just to proposals or is it NO to anything??


I suppose that would depend what he is proposing?


Prague is an excellent choice! Even in march, if the snow falls down the city turn magical.

I don%26#39;t now if this is different from the norm, but:

1. A lot of romantic places to propose:

a) Charles bridge early in the morning or late at night.

b) Perhaps at the outdoor bar at the roof at U Hotel Prince. View over the old town square and The magical Tyn Church

c) The Petrin Park by the Castle. Nice view over the city.

d) The castle of Vyshered is also nice.

2. Nice places to eat:

a) Kampa Park, high price though

b) Bodugitea del mar (?) in Kaprova street, cuban restaurant with nice food, good music and nice people

c) For lunch or nice brekfast, try Cafe Savoy (french style) at Vitezna

d) For czech food, try Celnice in Celnice street, nice night club in the same building. You could also try Olympia (Vitezna) or Kolkovna (V Kolkovne).


I was very touched by your post. You%26#39;ve made the perfect choice...My partner and I spend 7 days in Prague last Christmas and it was by far the best Xmas I%26#39;ve had in my life. Prague is gorgeous, romantic, picturesque and so much like out of Kafka%26#39;s pages. It was freezing cold and it was so lovely to retreat into the warmth of a cafe or tavern to huddle up and make plans for the rest of the day etc. I loved our walks around the citie%26#39;s picturesque roads and neighbourhoods. I loved the panoramic views from the Praha Hrad (if i spell it correctly?) the tower (access by teleferic) and a remote castle on the newest part of the city (Vysohrady). The atmosphere is lovely wherever you choose to go. There is something like being out of this world about this city. I have completely fallen in love with Prague. And in my case it was my partner%26#39;s idea to visit thecity so I have been immensly grateful to him for this choice. My sense is that you should stay in the moment and go with your gut as to when and where you should propose. I am sure it will be magical wherever you choose to do it. Be prepared for snow as well, it was snowing for 2/3s of our stay there. Gorgeous... Charles Bridge with the castle overlooking it on the other side is one of the most beutiful sites in the city. It sounds like exciting times are on the way for you both. Enjoy and make the most of your stay in beautiful Prague.

ps: Will try to post some photos of my favourite spots in soon as I%26#39;ve worked how to doi it on this forum

Best of luck



jjj999 you sound like a lovely man. Don%26#39;t worry about the cold, you will be keeping each other warm. Good luck with your proposal, if you get a yes let us know.


Ok I have to justify my response. I love Prague, I love the Czech Republic. I will always return no matter what.

I got married in Prague, it was a beautiful day, wonderfully organised and it isn%26#39;t anyones fault other than mine that I made that mistake (marrying the idiot not choosing Prague). I will continue to highly recommend the choices I made for my wedding day, it was as perfect as I wanted it to be. Just think long and hard before doing it.


charles bridge at night

late on after youve had your meal and drinks

there isnt a more romantic spot anywhere!!!!

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